Tuesday, August 5, 2014

1) (d) High altitude. IN high altitude has a extreme climate range from burning hot day to freezing nights. Also there are strong winds and the humidity is low which causes rapid dehydration. There is also extreme low air pressure, resulting in very little oxygen.

2) Short-term adaptation: When an individual ventures into a high altitude environment our body adjust to the lower oxygen. The individual will begin to breathe faster and more quickly adapt. The heart rate also increase to supply more oxygen to the tissue.

Huell. . Heavy Breathing) ". (breathing intensifies)
Facultative adaptation: When a person moves into a high-altitude environment, the human body responds to the stress by increasing the number of oxygen carrying blood cells.
Developmental adaptations: Many Indians from the high mountain valleys in Peru and Bolivia produce more hemoglobin in their blood and to increase their lung capability to better adapt to high-altitudes. Tibetans and Nepalese who live at high altitudes have broader arteries and capillaries which allow a much greater rate of blood flow increasing the amount of oxygen to the muscles.
(Face is red due to increased blood flow)
Cultural adaptation: Due to the llamas prowess in high-altitude, many mountain tribes use alpacas to help transport resources.

3) Studying human variation in this way can determine the certain genetic advantage or disadvantage we can use it to  diagnose, treat, or prevent illness. If we can isolated the part of DNA that gives certain Peruvians more hemoglobin it may be possible to be able to change our own DNA so we can produce more hemoglobin. Also if a population has a genetic disadvantage we can prepare for our offspring.

4) We shouldn't use race to understand the human variation due to adaptation. What we determine as a race changes constantly. Not to long ago, only strictly Americans were considered white in the USA now white blankets the Irish, Germans, and the French. Now several Latinos consider themselves white. Environmental influences should be the only way we understand human variation.  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Last week we were assigned to experiment with language. First I had a conversation for 15 minutes where I was not allowed to use any version of symbolic language. I was only able to use hand signs, body language and non-verbal vocalizations while being unable to use any form of language vocal or in written form. Next we were to communication where I would only use verbal communication. These experiment show the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication.
I found it difficult to converse without the use of communication. Clear articulation was almost impossible. The converse consisted of several hand gestures. My partner controlled the flow of the conversation while I could mostly answer with a head shake or a thumbs down. I would try to convey questions like a game of charades with little success. I was able to  easy ask for a drink of water by make the hand motion but I could not ask my partners thoughts about Game of Thrones, probably due my terrible hand motions, demonstrating that I as incapable of articulating complex ideas. My partner became frustrated mostly because he sometimes not interpret my hand motions. It came to the point where my partner would ask a series of questions to me and I would reply with a shrug or a head nod.
Being unable to express complicated ideas can be a huge detriment. If my partner and I represented two different cultures my partner’s cultures will be miles ahead in terms of communication. That culture would be able to communicate complex ideas such as battle plans and take my culture out. Our society respects great speakers. Any great leader must also a great speaker. Unfortunately we look down at other individuals who have difficulty communicating with a spoken language. Not only does our culture mocks those who have lisps or are even deaf, but they also to believe them to be stupid which is often not the case. We value well spoken individual sometimes to our detriment.  
When I had to converse with only the spoken communication, our conversation still had trouble flowing. While it was difficult to restrict facial reactions, we breezed through our 15 minute discussion. My partner described our conversation as awkward because I would simply speak in a monotone voice. I believe body movement makes our conversations more lively. Its the human reactions that makes the conversation not the words behind it. This is evident in text messages where there shouldn’t be any human reaction. We instead attempt to put in human emotion through text with emoticons and acronyms for emotions like “lol.”
There are people who have difficulty reading body language, namely people with aspergers syndrome. Since nonverbal communications is what makes us human, people with aspergers often become ostracized. Understand body language helps bring a sense of community which the brings a group closer together. However, reading bodily can also not always be beneficial. People can fake non-verbal cues to convince people of a lie, however, in general being able to understand and read body language is helpful.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Piltdown Hoax Blog Post

1. The Piltdown hoax was a hoax in which bone fragments were found and believed to be an early unknown human ancestor. In 1912 Charles Dawson claimed to have found the ‘missing links’ between apes and humans in the city of Piltown, England. The scientific community, especially the English scientific community, thought the bone fragments coined as the Piltdown Man as the jewel of London’s Natural History Museum. It wasn’t until 1953 that the Piltdown Man was revealed to be a hoax. When scientist examined the Piltdown Man under a microscope, they found evidence that the ‘fossils’ were merely a forged orangatang bone.
2. Humans are very emotional. Scientist got carried away with the Piltdown Man. English scientist were excited about having a early human ancestor found in England. They were too rash with their discovery. The Piltdown Man misled the image of human evolution for forty years.
3. Scientist in 1949 used a fluorine to roughly determine the age of the Piltdown Man. The results showed that the ‘fossils’ were around hundred million years old which was inconsistent with other fossil records. Scientist also examined the fossils under microscope to find that the teeth in the bones were filed downed.
4. Human factors can be removed from the scientific process. In 2009 the BBSRC created a Robot scientist which independently discovered new scientific knowledge. However, I believe scientist should not remove the human factor completely from science. Humans are very creative and I believe the human factors are the reasons for Einstein's General Relativity and Newton’s Laws of motion.

5. This historical event taught me to question everything. Even the greatest scientist of our day could be completely wrong. I believe humans should never be 100% sure of anything they should always be questioning themselves constant. When an individual is 100% certain then that individual believes there nothing else to know about that problem.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A) Lemurs usually can be found in Madagascar which was attached to the African mainland 160 million years ago. Madagascar broke off and drifted eastward. It’s isolation caused the abundance of plants and animals found nowhere else. Madagascar is known for its abundance of rain forest.
B) Generally the smaller species of lemurs eat primarily fruit and insects and the larger lemurs consume plants. Large lemurs are known to eat insects in when necessary.
C) Because Madagascar was an isolated island, lemurs had little to no competition for food and no real predators to be found. Due to this unique environment, the lemurs evolved to the island niches.

Spider Monkey
A) Spider monkey live in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. Tropical forests have consistently more species than the forests of Africa and Asia. The biodiversity of plants species occur in the tropical rain forests, specifically the Amazon Rainforest.
B) Spider monkeys are omnivores. They tend to eat fruit and seeds but they occasionally eat bark, insects, and bird eggs At zoos they are fed various fruits, seeds, leaves and flowers.
C).Like lemurs, Spider Monkeys do not have much competition for food. They are accustomed to travel from tree to tree to get their food. Due to this they did not develop opposable thumbs because swing does not require the thumb.

A) Baboons are extremely adaptable. They generally live in savannas but some live in tropical forest. Baboons tend to live around tall trees or cliff faces.
B) Baboons are also omnivores they diet consists mostly of grass, berries, seeds, leaves, roots, and sap. They have been known to eat small quantities of meat such as fish and birds.
C) Since baboons do not have a restricted diet they can live in many places. Baboons feed and socialize in groups around fifty.

A) Gibbons are found in northern India and the islands of Indonesia. They inhabit the dense jungles and tropical rainforests across south-east Asia.
B) Gibbons are omnivorous. Three quarters of their diet is fruit ground in trees. The other quarter consists of insects, eggs, spiders, small birds, and reptiles.
C) Gibbons have evolved to live the majority of its life in the trees due to predators. Leopards and large snakes cannot climb high into the trees. Its only natural that Gibbons eat mostly tree fruits.
A) Wild populations of chimpanzees are only found in Africa inhabiting the tropical rainforest of what used to be the equatorial forest belt of Africa.
B) Chimpanzees are omnivores that eat mostly figs. They also are know to eat red colobus monkey, termites and ants, and various types of fruit.
C) Since the majority of Chimpanzees’ diet  consist of figs, they are found where they grow. Figs grow in dry and sunny areas with deep and fresh soil.


Animals must adapt to survive. To survive animals must consume food in their environment to survive. Therefore Animals adapt to consume food.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Analogy & Homology Blog Post

  • Dogs are mammals in the Canidae family. Mankind domesticated the Grey Wolf thousands of years ago. now we keep domesticated dogs as pets.
    Cats are small furry carnivorous mammals. It is believed that mankind domesticated cats in ancient Egypt because they were treated with great respect. We also keep domesticated cats as pets
  • The Pelvic bones of cats are near parallel with little curving which is used to helps a cat jump. The Pelvic bones of dogs are more curved which helps a dog run.
  • Dormaalocyon latouri is a 55 million-year-old species believed to be the common ancestor of cats and dogs. We know this mammal was carnivore with bent ankles, primitive teeth, and a pelvic bone similar to both cat and dogs.
  • Dog’s Pelvic bone.
  • Cat’s Pelvic bone.

  • Owls are nocturnal birds of the order Strigiformes. They have a broad head and feathers adapted and large eyes.
    Butterflies are insects that have brightly colored wings. They are reside in a diurnal group of the order Lepidoptera.
  • Both animals have wings that can be used for flight. Butterfly wings are covered with scales and owls wings are covered in feathers. Both animals have adapted to life in the air independently.
  • While these animals both have a common ancestor they evolved their wings independently. The common ancestor would not have wings or this would be a homology trait.
  • Owl
  • Butterfly

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Protein Synthesis: Blog Post


Thursday, June 19, 2014

1) Thomas Malthus had the greatest positive influence on Charles Darwin's development of the theory of Natural selection.

2) Thomas Malthus was not a scientist. Malthus was an economist who wrote, Essay on the Principle of Population, thought about how populations were effected by resources. He concluded that populations growth will out grow the number of resources. Population will only grow to the limit of essential supplies and population growth would be halted by poverty and war. However, Malthus believed that famine and poverty were the caused by a divine hand. He believed that God was preventing man from becoming sloths.

3)Malthus ideas comes striking close to Darwin's theory of Natural selection. Malthus knew that resources would be a limiting factor and that an organism, in this case man, have the potential of reproducing exponentially. Where Malthus and Darwin differ the divine institution of poverty and famine. Darwin believed the struggle to survive was natural while Malthus believed it was the work of God.

4) Charles Darwin could not have developed his theory of natural selection without the influence and ideas of Thomas Malthus. Charles Darwin wrote in his biography,
"In October 1838, that is, fifteen months after I had begun my systematic inquiry, I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population, and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long- continued observation of the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances favourable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavourable ones to be destroyed. The results of this would be the formation of a new species. Here, then I had at last got a theory by which to work".
Malthus sparked the idea of "survival of the fittest" into Darwin's mind which directly cause the development of the theory of Natural selection.

5)The Church of England did not accept Darwin's ideas in his publication of On the Origin of Species. The Church, for many years before the books publication, stated many of the bibles passage were to be taken metaphorically. The Church had no problem with the general idea of evolution because after all this could have been God's plan. The problem lies with the idea of Natural selection. Natural selection suggests that all organism fight to survive while God watches unsympathetically. A lineal evolution might have been accepted but Darwin's ideal of evolution show that nature is appalling.
