Thursday, July 3, 2014

Analogy & Homology Blog Post

  • Dogs are mammals in the Canidae family. Mankind domesticated the Grey Wolf thousands of years ago. now we keep domesticated dogs as pets.
    Cats are small furry carnivorous mammals. It is believed that mankind domesticated cats in ancient Egypt because they were treated with great respect. We also keep domesticated cats as pets
  • The Pelvic bones of cats are near parallel with little curving which is used to helps a cat jump. The Pelvic bones of dogs are more curved which helps a dog run.
  • Dormaalocyon latouri is a 55 million-year-old species believed to be the common ancestor of cats and dogs. We know this mammal was carnivore with bent ankles, primitive teeth, and a pelvic bone similar to both cat and dogs.
  • Dog’s Pelvic bone.
  • Cat’s Pelvic bone.

  • Owls are nocturnal birds of the order Strigiformes. They have a broad head and feathers adapted and large eyes.
    Butterflies are insects that have brightly colored wings. They are reside in a diurnal group of the order Lepidoptera.
  • Both animals have wings that can be used for flight. Butterfly wings are covered with scales and owls wings are covered in feathers. Both animals have adapted to life in the air independently.
  • While these animals both have a common ancestor they evolved their wings independently. The common ancestor would not have wings or this would be a homology trait.
  • Owl
  • Butterfly


At July 4, 2014 at 1:31 PM , Blogger L Rodriguez said...

Interesting comparison for your homologous trait, particularly since it is based upon a relatively small difference in the structure of the pelvis. Can you explain a little more completely how the different shapes help with the different functions? How does the additional curvature help dogs run? It is easy to see some functional skeletal relationships (such as the bat wing or the whale forelimb) but this is a little harder to understand and could use more explanation.

Good job on the ancestry. An easier explanation is that both are mammals and share the same mammalian ancestral limb structure, but I appreciated the additional detail.

Good explanation on your analogous trait. With regard to ancestry, is impossible for the common ancestor to have wings? What if it did have wings and passed them onto the butterfly but not the owl (who we know developed wings independently). Would they still be analogous traits?

At July 5, 2014 at 11:57 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great post, I felt your comparisons were very well thought out and I like your points on ancestry examples. I felt your Homologous traits were very informative with useful information.

For the Analogous traits I like that you did an owl and a butterfly. Very good description and comparison also great reasoning as to why you decided to choose these two for the Analogous trait examples.

Good job on this post!


At July 6, 2014 at 12:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Josh !
I like how you're set of homologous was a dog and a cat, it's interesting because you know how in cartoons the dogs are always after the cats and now I read this and they have a common ancestor. Good job on the homology !
Owl and butterfly, I can see it kind of just because they both have wings, but at the same time butterflies are everywhere well not everywhere, but you see them a lot and owls , I think I only seen owl in my entire life and they scare me. But good choice in owl and butterfly, I did mine on human being and dog for the homology and analogy I did shark and dolphin.


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